Planning / NEPA Forum - Administrative Record (March 3, 2011)

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Topic:  Administrative Records and Project Files

Duration:  3 hours

Live Broadcast Date:  March 3, 2011

Content:  A panel of experts will be convened to review the legal framework for administrative records, differentiate between creating a project file and compiling an administrative record, and discuss examples.  An hour is allotted to answer questions brought up by the audience.

Panel:   Linda Garrison (State Litigation Coordinator, Arizona State Office BLM), Laura Damm (Attorney-Adviser, Division of Land and Water Resources, Washington DC), Megan Stouffer (State Planning & Environmental Coordinator, NM State Office BLM), Michael C. Williams (Attorney-Advisor, Office of the Solicitor, Southwest Region), Anne Boeder (State Planner, Oregon State Office BLM), and host Cathy Humphrey (Planning/NEPA Training Coordinator, BLM National Training Center).

Attachments Below:  The files below include formal and informal guidance on administrative records that were discussed by the panel, the PPT presentations used by Megan Stouffer and Michael Williamssample filing plans/project file organizations, and lands and range case file organization.  Even though we're not going to get into resource-specific questions on the broadcast, we did include the lands and range case file documents here for your information because we got questions related to case files before the broadcast.  

Please note:  The videos will not work with Firefox.   Internet Explorer is your best option.