Planning: Planning Nuts and Bolts Course (1610-09)

This course contains files with Adobe Flash content. As of January 2021, these files are no longer supported. Due to this, this course may no longer function as intended. This course is currently under review for removal or replacement.

Course Description
This online course replaces the 3½-day classroom course that the National Training Center has offered since 2001.  The instructors begin by setting the stage with the legal framework and administrative record.  Then they walk you through the fundamentals of the BLM’s planning process from the preparation plan to monitoring and evaluation.

We’ve supplemented most of the lessons with exercises to reinforce your learning of that step of the planning process.  The exercises are most valuable if your non-BLM partners participate because they are for your plan.

Target Audience
This course is primarily for BLM planning teams and their non-BLM partners prior to starting their land use plan.  It can also be used as a refresher for planning teams in the midst of their plan development or revision.  And, it is available to anyone who wants to learn more about the BLM planning process.

Ken Bogdan, ICF Jones & Stokes,, 916-737-3000
Bobby Tuttle, ICF Jones & Stokes,, 801-274-1933


01 Course Introduction (8:52 minutes)
02 Legal Framework (29:45 minutes)
03a Administrative Record (14:22 minutes)
03b Data (11:20 minutes)
04 Integrating Other (29:01 minutes)
05 Prep Plan (8:31 minutes)
06 AMS (6:18 minutes)
07 Scoping Process (24:05 minutes)
08 Issueldent  (10:50 minutes)
09 Vision (35:30 minutes)
10 PreferAlt (6:24 minutes)
11 Effects Analysis (18:19 minutes)
12 Draft RMP (8:52 minutes)
13 Comment  (18:53 minutes)
14 Propose Plan (24:05 minutes)
15 Planiple (15:53 minutes)
16 Monitor (9:28 minutes)
17 Coursesum (17:31 minutes)
18 Wrap up (2:32 minutes)