38 Resources Found
9th Int'l Deer Biology Congress - Ungulate Migration and Chronic Wasting Disease - August 2018
Assessment, Inventory, & Monitoring Core Concepts
BLM Biologist 101 Training M4: Working Across Disciplines Videos
BLM MS 6840 Special Status Species Management December 2008
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (108th Congress)
Habitat Assessment Framework - TR 6710-01
Habtiat Assessment Framework Errata _TR 6710-01
Restoration Handbook for Sagebrush-Steppe, Part 1 - USGS Report
Sage-Grouse IM 2016-139 RMP Effectiveness Monitoring - GRSG
Sage-Grouse IM 2016-140 GRSG Hard and Soft Triggers
Sage-Grouse IM 2016-141 Setting Priorities for Grazing Authorizations in GRSG Habitat