NEPA: Analysis Process for BLM

Course Description:  The overall goal of this course (#1620-02) is to teach you the basics of the BLM's analytical process for NEPA, as described in Chapter 6 of the BLM's 2008 NEPA Handbook (H-1790-1).  It has 70 minutes of video presentations and 7 exercises.  To fully learn the concepts, you need to complete the exercises.

This NEPA Analysis Process for the BLM course is the second in our series of online NEPA courses.  NEPA Concepts, Modules 1 & 2,  is the first in the series.  If you are new to NEPA, we recommend you complete the NEPA Concepts course before starting this course.  NEPA Concepts (#1620-17) is only available through DOI Talent at

This NEPA analysis course is available through the National Training Center's Knowledge Resource Center, or KRC, at any time if you are interested in learning or reviewing the content.  However, if you would like credit for the course, you must register in DOI Talent and pass the posttest with at least 80%.  The posttest is only available through DOI Talent .

You can take this course individually or with your interdisciplinary team.  If you take it with your team, we recommend your team lead and/or local NEPA expert participate with you to answer any questions you may have. 

Course Materials:  You will need at least one NEPA document to complete the exercises in this course.  The EA(s) or EIS(s) can be in progress or complete, but preferrably one(s) you helped write. You'll also need a copy of the Participant Guide, the BLM 2008 NEPA Handbook, and something to write with.

Target Audience:  BLM employees who participate in any aspect of NEPA analysis.  Secondary audience:  anyone who is interested in learning more about NEPA analysis.

Prerequisite:  This online NEPA Analysis Process for the BLM course (#1620-02) is a prerequisite for the classroom NEPA Analysis for EAs course (#1620-03).  (NOTE: The classroom course is available to BLM employees only.) 

If you would like to view a course video, select a link that will typically open in another tab.

  1. Introduction and transcript
  2. Purpose and Need (Exercise 1) and transcript
  3. Scoping and transcript
  4. Issues (Exercise 2) and transcript
  5. Proposed Action  (Exercise 3) and transcript
  6. Related Actions  (Exercise 4) and transcript
  7. Developing Alternatives  (Exercise 5) and transcript
  8. Exercise 5 Debrief and transcript
  9. Affected Environment and transcript
  10. Environmental Consequences and transcript
  11. Summary  (Exercise 6 and 7) and transcript