Standard Timber Sale Contract Provisions - A Facilitated Discussion
A series of WebEx Conference calls held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month until each of the sections was discussed. The discussion focused on the newly revised 5450-3, Sale of Timber - Lump Sum. Where appropriate the Scale Sale contract and the new contract forms for the Sale of Timber and Other Wood Product were also discussed
Goal: to provide a cooperative learning environment where those who want to know more about the Timber Sale Contract and Sale Administration can discuss and learn from presenters with many years of experience
Use the links below to view videos or download them. To download, right click a link and then select the "save link as" option.
Format: discuss each section of the contract, discuss its importance, and how it applies to the overall Sale Administration effort.
Target Audience: Foresters, Forestry Technicians, Accounting Technicians, and anyone involved with or supervising Sale Administration.
Note: Each Session was edited into shorter segments to facilitate downloading and playback.
The applicable PowerPoint with presentation notes used in each session is also available for downloading in pdf format.
If the video plays poorly at first, try pausing the playback (pause button) for a few seconds and then clicking the "play" arrow again.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Steve Bird.