Planning / NEPA Forum - Contracting (January 31, February 28, and March 28, 2013)

The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) National Training Center (NTC) presented a series of broadcasts on how to improve the contracting process for planning and NEPA documents as part of the Planning/NEPA Forum series.  These forums cover current and important planning- or NEPA- related topics. Previous topics include: connected actions; purpose and need; administrative record; and cooperating agencies.



Initiating Planning and NEPA Contracts, originally broadcast January 31, 2013, length: 90 minutes.

Managing Planning and NEPA Contracts, originally broadcast February 28, 2013, length: 90 minutes

Closing Out Planning and NEPA Contracts, broadcast date March 28, 2013, length: 120 minutes


During the Contract Initiation broadcast, an expert panel talked about what contracting is, when and why to consider contracting a planning or NEPA project; reviewed guidance; discussed ways to improve writing statements of work, requests for proposals, and memoranda of understanding; and how to evaluate proposals.


During the contract management broadcast, the panel talked about how to improve the contracting process, including managing communication, managing the day-to-day mechanics, and managing the scope or statement of work. 


On the contract close-out broadcast, we talked about  how to modify, fund, and successfully complete a contract.  This includes the contractor's role in compiling the administrative record and responding to legal challenges.


Questions from the audience were answered at the end of each broadcast.


Target Audience:  This broadcast is primarily for BLM employees who are involved in initiating, managing, or closing-out contracts for planning and NEPA documents.


Expert Panel:

·         Chris Carlton, BLM Planning & Environmental Coordinator, Wyoming State Office

·         Molly Cobbs, BLM Planning & Environmental Coordinator, Anchorage District Office

·         Cindy Kleinholz, BLM Contracting Officer, National Operations Center

·         Cathy Humphrey (host), BLM Training Coordinator, National Training Center


Click here to view Contract Initiation


Click here to view Contract Management


Click here to view Contract Close-out