Wild and Scenic Rivers

 The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) designated wild and scenic rivers are managed as part of the BLM's National Landscape Conservation System (National Conservation Lands).  This 56-minute presentation provides a brief policy summary for BLM employees on the identification, evaluation, planning and management of wild and scenic rivers.  This presentation covers one manual:  Manual 6400 - Wild and Scenic Rivers - Policy and Program Direction for Identification, Evaluation, Planning, and Management.

For more information regarding this presentation on wild and scenic rivers, please contact Maile Adler at madler@blm.gov or (602)906-5502.

Additional resources regarding wild and scenic rivers can be found on the Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council website:  http://www.rivers.gov/rivers/council.php


Click here to view on YouTube



Or, to download the narrated video presentation:

1)     Copy the URL for this page into Internet Explorer

2)     Click on the file and it will automatically download.  If prompted, select “Open.”  It will take several minutes (generally 5 min.) to download – please be patient.  The presentation will automatically begin playing.


The second file listed covers the same presentation material in a text-only format with no audio.  The script used in the video is included in this text-only version.  This document can be downloaded and saved.