The webinar campaign is to attract diverse and qualified talent for the open Wildland Firefighter vacancy across the BLM. The presentation functions as a how to guide for those interested in fighting wildland fires to understand who we are, what we do, how to apply as well as how to network with hiring managers to improve chances of selection.
Target Audience(s): External entry-level candidates who are interested in temporary/ seasonal employment. Those looking for opportunities to work with the federal government.
The intended audiences range from high-school graduates with three months of work experience to recent Natural Sciences and other STEM graduates looking to understand what roles they qualify for. There is an effort to also attract qualified candidates from underrepresented communities across the United States to become more engaged with public lands, wildland firefighting and relocating to more rural BLM locations in efforts to help the BLM reflect the face of America and the communities we serve.
Key Message(s)
Diversity is needed and encouraged among our fire crews. We will help connect qualified candidates with our opportunities throughout the wild and wonderful BLM.
The objective for external communications to make the public more aware of our opportunities within the BLM’s wildland firefighter program. We hope to generate interest, dispel misperceptions, offer guidance on preparing for training and leading talent to to apply.
Wildland Firefighter Recruiting Webinar (Pre Recorded)