Sage-Grouse IM 2016-143 Implementation of GRSG RMP Revisions or Amendments

IN 2016-143 Implementation of Greater Sage-Grouse Resource Management Plan Revisions or Amendments - Oil & Gas Leasing and Development Sequential Prioritization


This IM provides guidance on prioritizing implementation decision for BLM oil and gas leasing and development, to be consistent with the Approved Resource Management Plan Amendments for the Rocky Mountain and Great Basin GRSG Regions and nine Approved Resource Management Plans in the Rocky Mountain GRSG Region (collectively referred to as the GRSG Plans).  This IM applies to activities in the areas covered by both the Rocky Mountain (RM) and Great Basin (GB) Regions Records of Decision (RODs), issued by the BLM in September 2015.  This IM also contains reporting requirements for communication between State Offices and the Washington Office.