RMIS - RIDB Interface (WebEX June 7, 2017)

The Bureau of Land Management National Training Center (BLM-NTC) delivered a 60-minute training WebEx that informed RMIS Users (Web Leads and PAOs and interested parties) about the new RMIS/RIDB module and discuss the interface between the two systems. This WebEx emphasized:

  • RMIS/RIDB interface, Users are now able to work in RMIS and have RIDB data instantly updated.
  • Editing current RIDB entries
  • Creating new RIDB entries
Definition of Terms:
Recreation Management Information System (RMIS) – RMIS is the BLM’s official repository for data relating to recreational and social use on public lands and waters, including National Conservation Lands. 
Recreation Information Database (RIDB) - RIDB was created in the late 1990s as a stand-alone database capable of sharing data with anyone who wanted access to federal recreation data for any purpose. RIDB does not contain any personally identifiable information. The information in RIDB is populated both manually and through the use of automated web services by the participating agencies. RIDB contains over 120,000 recreation area records for 12 different government agencies.
Please contact Larry Ridenhour - lridenhour@blm.gov or Kim Leitzinger - kleitzinger@blm.gov if have you have any questions regarding this WebEx broadcast.