Welcome to the KRC for BLM employees. This page briefly explains the source of training and other information for cadastral-related subjects.
Here is a video from the BLM Montana-Dakotas Cadastral Survey Team (1:43 minutes)
Most Cadastral training has been converted to Distance Learning products except:
COTR Cadastral-specific offered in odd-numbered years (contractor proprietary rights)
If you are interested in Cadastral Distance Learning, each state office has a copy of the CFedS hard drive. Contact your State Office Cadastral Training Liaison for access to the training or contact the Cadastral Training Coordinator at the National Training Center. This includes the following courses:
- ACS I (Initial CFedS Course)
o Course 1 – Records and Administrative Information
o Course 2 – Boundary Law
o Course 3 -- Corner Evidence
o Course 4 – Restoration of Lost corners
o Course 5 – Intro to water boundaries
o Course 6 – Subdivision of Sections
o Course 7 – CFedS requirements and products - ACS IV (Non-rectangular Surveys)
- Introduction to the GCDB
- Special Boundary Problems – Hiatus, overlaps, and junior/senior surveys
- Swamp Lands, Islands, and Omitted lands
BLM Cadastral Surveyors are invited to participate in the 20-Week Study Groups sponsored by the CFedS program. The study groups meet every other week, via conference call. The study group provides additional educational support and helps learners move through the ACS Courses more quickly and thoroughly. For more information contact the CFedS Program Manager at cfedspm@cfeds.org
Currently the information on the KRC is resource documents and monthly Case Studies for the ACS I courses: