Below are several handouts, exercise results, and other course materials from the various project management courses in BLM:
A. Project Management for Planners Course held in Reno NV August 18-22, 2008. Bob Cook revised the Project Management Plan examples after the class based on Brent Ralson's and Bob's experiences. Also included in a list of assumptions from the Western Oregon Plan Revision. For additional information on the content of the documents, contact
B. Managing Projects (BLM) 1610-05 BLM Las Vegas held this class Oct. 21-23, 2008. Bob Cook typed the case study for the Trails System Feasibility, see below.
A. Project Management for Planners, 1610-07, planned for September 21-25, 2009
B. Managing Projects (BLM), 1610-05, available to offices working on complex EAs, EISs; and large lands, minerals, renewable energy projects, or any other projects needing a systematic approach to management.
C. The DOI LEARN catalog lists many computer-based project management courses. Go to
To schedule a class, contact or 602-906-5502 or 602-906-5536