Planning: Plan Implementation Strategy, Mod 1

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The Federal Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) directs the BLM to develop, maintain, and revise land use plans for public lands. BLM guidance requires an implementation strategy to be developed within one year of signature of the Record of Decision for a land use plan revision.

Course Description: This Plan Implementation training is divided into 3 modules to correspond with the 3 steps of the process.  The training is set up so the team watches the online module, and then completes the work required in that step.  We recommend the State P&EC, or other trained facilitator, help with Steps 2 and 3, and possibly Step 1.  Contact the National Training Center for recommendations.   Each participant should have a copy of the Participant Guide and Example Worksheet (below) to watch the training.

Module 1 describes how to complete Step 1: Identify all ongoing, demand-driven tasks and one-time projects needed to meet the goals and objectives in your land use plan and input it into the blank Excel spreadsheet/worksheet provided below. Step 1 must be completed and approved by the State Planning & Environmental Coordinator (P&EC) before moving on to Steps 2 and 3. 

  • Identify all tasks, projects, management actions for the planning area.
  • Identify the Project Element or PE code (the BLM's budget classification) for each task, project, or management action.
  • Identify the geographic location for each task, project, management action.

Module 2 describes how to complete Step 2:  Prioritize the work identified in Step 1 and input it in the spreadsheet.  You will refine your list of Factors to Consider in Establishing Priorities; and determine the priority and magnitude for each project, task, or management action identified in Step 1.

Module 3 describes how to complete Step 3: Schedule the work from Step 1 and input it in the spreadsheet.  You will input the current fiscal year targets into the spreadsheet; review the past few years' project target allocations to see the average workload; then estimate the annual workload for the next few years.

Target Audience:  interdisciplinary team who developed and/or will be implementing the land use plan.  The BLM field manager or district manager should be present to provide context and insights the team may not be aware of.  Involving the cooperating agencies, state program leads, budget officers, and other internal  and/or external partners in Steps 2 and 3 can greatly enhance the value and effectiveness of the Implementation Strategy (less so for Step 1).

Course Objectives:  The overall objective of the three modules is to show you how to develop an Implementation Strategy that will increase consistency of implementation among field offices; track and measure the progress of implementing a plan; provide stable and attainable targets; and provide field, district, and state offices a valuable tool to prioritize and plan its workload.