Included in this resource are course materials for the NTC's three Bond Adjudication courses (Lands #2000-31, Solid Minerals #3000-32, Fluid Minerals #3000-33). There are video lessons, exercises, handouts, participant note takers, and transcripts for enrolled students to complete/use. In order to receive credit, students must enroll through DOIT for the desired course (the three options are listed below), attend Webinar 1, and successfully complete Webinar 2. These resources, as well as the course syllabus, will be reviewed with enrolled participants during the course introduction (Webinar 1). During Webinar 2, the instructor(s) will go over the solutions to the exercises and answer student's questions.
Bond Adjudication for Lands Course #2000-31
Bond Adjudication for Solid Minerals Course #3000-32
Bond Adjudication for Fluid Minerals Course #3000-33
The note takers are the PowerPoint slides used by the instructor during the actual video lessons. The transcripts are verbatim of what the instructor said during the video lesson. If you wish to use them to take notes on during the course, feel free to print them out at your home office. The course content will only be provided to you in electronic format on this website. In an effort to be green (promote environment sustainability by reducing, reusing, and/or recycling waste) the entire course is paperless.
The handouts, exercises, videos, note takers, and transcripts all support the lessons for the course. Students have the option of watching the videos or reading the note takers and transcripts to help complete the exercises. Note: For improved viewing of any video lessons in the resource list below, the following tips are provided. First, click on the video you want to view. Next, you will see a small, green Captivate box indicating by percentage how much of the video has been loaded to give you an idea how long it will be before the video will begin. Once the video starts, press pause. After pressing pause, allow 1-2 minutes to elapse before selecting the play button again. This act will allow the video to fully load and create uninterrupted viewing. Also, after the video has begun, you may select F11 for "full-screen" viewing pleasure if you wish.
For questions regarding course offerings, please contact Hillary Conner, NTC Mineral Leasing Training Coordinator, at or 602-906-5533. For questions regarding course content, please contact Kelly Rodriguez, Land Law Examiner, at or 775-861-6632.
How to Access LR2000 Test Training
Lesson 1
- Video: Receive and Adjudicate a Bond
- Video: Note Taker
- Video: Transcript
- 2800 ROW Personal
- 2800 ROW Surety
- 3000-004
- 3000-004a
- 3504 Other Leasable Personal
- 3504-003
- 3600 Personal Bond
- 3600 Surety Bond
- 3809-1
- 3809-2
Exercise 1
Exercise 3
Lesson 2
- Video: Write Decision
- Video: Note Taker
- Video: Transcript
- Decision Writing
- Bond Decision Demo
Lesson 3
- Video: Maintain Bond
- Video: Note Taker
- Video: Transcript
Exercise 10
Change of Operator Demonstration
Exercise 16
- 2800 Replacement Surety Bond
- 3000 Replacement Surety Bond
- 3600 Replacement Surety Bond
- 3809 Replacement Surety Bond
Surety Bond Collection Example
Time Deposit Collection Example
Lesson 4
- Video: Terminating Bond Period of Liability (POL)
- Video: Note Taker
- Video: Transcript
Lexon Notice of Canx Demonstration
Exercise 20 Request for Release of Financial Guarantee
Template Request for Concurrence of Bond Reduction
Field Office Release Demonstration
Decision Template Period of Liability Under Bond Terminated Demo