Billing Videos for Lands and Realty

Timely and accurate billing and collection of the realty program’s rent, cost recovery and fees are a priority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  It creates revenue for not only the BLM but also for U.S. Treasury’s General Fund. The following video resources (including the scripts) are for any BLM employee required to use the LRAM and CBS applications in the performance of their billing and/or collection duties or train others to use these systems.  The videos are important in that they will assist BLM employees to witness first-hand how to do specific tasks in the LRAM and CBS applications.  For convenience, main topics are broken into individual segments and may be used at the discretion of viewer (i.e., to teach new or refresh skills).   It is recommended that new users view the videos or scripts sequentially from a process standpoint in those applications.  To begin watching the videos or view/print the scripts, please click on any of the links below: 

LRAM Videos and Transcripts

  1. Introduction to the Lands and Realty Authorization Module (LRAM) (19:31 minutes) - Transcript
  2. Creating a New Authorization Record in LRAM (8:42 minutes) - Transcript
  3. Create a Courtesy Statement (CS) in LRAM for Processing Fees (9:01 minutes) - Transcript
  4. Create a Courtesy Statement (CS) in LRAM for an Initial Rent and Monitoring Fee (9:04 minutes) - Transcript
  5. Creating an Accounts Receivable (AR) Billing Schedule in LRAM (4:15 minutes) - Transcript
  6. Processing Accounts Receivable (AR) Billing Data in LRAM (7:46 minutes) - Transcript
  7. Processing Accounts Receivable (AR) Billing Data in Billing Associations (4:28 minutes) - Transcript
  8. Searching for Processed Bills in LRAM (6:47 minutes) - Transcript
  9. Modify or Cancel an LRAM Bill (8:38 minutes) - Transcript
  10. Modify or Cancel a Paid Bill (10:18 minutes) - Transcript
  11. Deleting an Authorization Record (3:01 minutes) - Transcript

CBS Videos and Transcripts

  1. Introduction to the Collections and Billing System (CBS) (3:45 minutes) - Transcript
  2. Print LRAM-Generated Billing Data in CBS (6:43 minutes) - Transcript
  3. Receipting Payments to LRAM Bills in CBS (6:52 minutes) - Transcript

The NTC would like to acknowledge Donna Barron and Virginia Pherigo for their hard work and dedication in developing this training resource for the field to use in the performance of their daily job duties.  If you have any questions, issues, or concerns with this resource please contact Hillary Conner at or 602-906-5533.