This training session covered key points and recent additions to the Recreation Permit Training Course 8300-14, including several updates to the BLM Recreation Permit and Fee Administration Handbook, H-2930-1, as well as new direction stemming from Secretary’s Order (SO) 3356.
Goal – participants will understand the significant changes taking place in the Recreation Permit and Fee Program, and be able to amplify the administration\'s priorities within their state recreation programs.
Objectives - at the end of this session, the participants will:
1. Understand Business Plans: Not just how to do them, or the steps needed to get them approved, but also how do business plans drive 1232 expenditures? Addressing 1232 carryover balances, and the importance of spending them down. What would it take to have an easy to use tracking system for 1232 expenditures? (12:30-1:40)
2. RUP Topics
Be ready to launch the new Overview of the new system and related BLM policy changes and priority tasks outlined in IM-2018-056. Website demonstration by Janelle Smith of Recreation One Stop. (1:40-2:40)
Should you have questions regarding this site, please direct your questions to Mike Brown ( at the BLM-NTC.