Title: Cave and Karst Management 8300-24 Course – Cody, Wyoming
The following are the primary PowerPoint presentations from the BLM\'s Cave and Karst Resources Management class, 8300-24, delivered in Cody, Wyoming May 12-16, 2014. This course covered current cave and karst management practices in the BLM and the importance of integrating surface and subsurface resources. The course explained, explored and identified the unique challenges of protecting, restoring, conserving, interpreting, and applying resource inventory and monitoring techniques to develop cave management programs and plans. The course was opened to Park Service and Forest Service students. The interagency teaching cadre includes NPS and USFS instructors to answer agency specific questions.
Contact BLM\'s national leader for Cave and Karst Management for more information: Jim Goodbar, Senior Cave and Karst Resources Specialist, United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 620 E. Greene St., Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220
(505) 234-5929, Fax (505) 885-9264 jgoodbar@blm.gov.
(505) 234-5929, Fax (505) 885-9264 jgoodbar@blm.gov.