Withdrawals Beyond Mechanics - Boise May 2017

Withdrawals Beyond Mechanics (Course 2000-07) course was developed to teach Realty Specialists, and others working on withdrawal actions, how to process new withdrawals, revocations, modifications, extensions and withdrawal reviews, using applicable laws, regulations, policy and procedures.

Students will learn how to determine the applicability of a withdrawal action as a management tool for given situations, locate a specific withdrawal and identify the reason for the withdrawal on a master title plat (MTP), identify the authority, purpose and extent of segregation for given withdrawals, research and respond to specific withdrawal case processing questions citing appropriate Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) guidance, and apply withdrawal extension criteria to determine if given withdrawals qualify to be extended.

Withdrawals are formal actions that set aside, withhold, reserve, or transfer Federal lands by statute or administrative order for public purposes. A withdrawal creates a title encumbrance on the land. Withdrawals transfer total or partial jurisdiction of Federal land between Federal agencies, close (segregate) Federal land to operation of all or some of the public land laws and/or mineral laws, and dedicate Federal land to a specific public purpose.

Use the outline to select interesting information.


  1. Agenda
  2. Objectives

Policy Guidance for the BLM and FS 

  1. Policy and Guidance 
  2. FLPMA 204
  3. 43 CFR Part 2300
  4. 603 DM 1
  5. 2310-Withdrawals-Manual-Supplement - Oregon
  6. Withdrawal Package Checklists - Colorado
  7. Withdrawal Overview 2
  8. WDL Significant Acts
  9. 90 Stat 2792 Repealed Withdrawal Authorities
  10. Flowchart Timeline 2
  11. FS Withdrawal Policy
  12. FSM 2760
  13. 43 USC 1714 Withdrawals
  14. Forest Service WDL Contacts
  15. IM 2015-119, National Environmental Policy Act Review for Land Withdrawals

Pre Application 44LD513

Petition Application LSR and LDR

  1. BLM Blank Application Form
  2. FS Blank Application Form
  3. Withdrawal Flowchart
  4. Withdrawal Petition Application
  5. Petition Application
  6. Maps
  7. Trinity River Photos
  8. LDR Report
  9. Exhibit A and B Legal Descriptions
  10. Secretary Cover Memo
  11. Secretary Info Memo
  12. Federal Register Briefing Paper
  13. Federal Register Notice
  14. Forest Request
  15. Application
  16. Big Ice Cave Vicinity Map
  17. Big Ice Cave Quadrant Map
  18. Cover Letter to BLM

Public Notice Requirements DTS

  1. DTS Overview - Boise 2017
  2. Notices - Boise May 2017 - Revised
  3. DTS Documents Naming Convention
  4. DTS Number Table
  5. Big Ice Cave Fed Register BP for PA
  6. Big Ice Cave Federal Register Notice
  7. Trinity River Fed Register BP for PA
  8. WO IM No 2014-146

Develop the PLO Packet

  1. Developing the PLO Packet
  2. PLO Report List
  3. Withdrawal Package Checklists - Colorado
  4. DTS Number Table
  5. Standard Document Paragraphs PLOs Pet APLN
  6. 2015 119 Instruction Memo NEPA
  7. NEPA Withdrawal Guidance
  8. Assistant Secretary Information Memo
  9. Assistant Secretary Transmittal Memo
  10. Big Ice Cave Public Land Order
  11. American River Public Land Order
  12. NEPA Documents
  13. Section 204c Report
  14. Transmittal Memo to BLM Director
  15. NM-012273 PLO
  16. NM-012273 Briefing Paper
  17. NM-012273 Secretary Memo
  18. PLO 7789 Ft Vancouver
  19. PLO 7796 Kirtland AFB
  20. WAOR 22073 Briefing Paper
  21. WAOR 22073 PLO
  22. WAOR 22073 Secretary Memo

Modifications and Extensions

  1. Modifications and Extensions - Boise 2017 Revised
  2. Assistant Secretary Info Memo
  3. PET-APLN Assistant Secretary Memo
  4. PET-APLN Federal Register BP
  5. PET-APLN Federal Register PUB
  6. PET-APLN USFS Transfer Approval Ft Howes
  7. PLO - Assistant Secretary Info Memo
  8. Petition Application
  9. PLO - Assistant Secretary Memo
  10. PLO - Published PLO
  11. PET-APLN Assistant Secretary Memo
  12. PET-APLN Federal Register Notice of Ext APLN
  13. PET-APLN Petition-Application
  14. PET-APLN Federal Register BP
  15. PLO - Assistant Secretary Info Memo
  16. PLO - Assistant Secretary Memo
  17. PLO - LDR Certificate
  18. PLO - Public Land Order No 7060
  19. PLO - Public Land Order No 7825
  20. PLO - Rec Site Photos

Withdrawal Expirations, Casey Folks Decision

  1. Casey Folks 183 IBLA24
  2. Expirations and Casey Folks - Boise 2017 Revised
  3. Expired Withdrawals Spreadsheet
  4. Expiration WDLS TO 2022
  5. WO IM 2014-042

Relinquishments and Revocations

  1. Trinidad Head USCG Relinquishment Request
  2. Trinidad Head ESA
  3. Trinidad Head Environmental Review
  4. Trinidad Head Suitability Determination
  5. Trinidad Head Secretary Memorandum
  6. Trinidad Head Assistant Secretary Info Memo
  7. Trinidad Head PLO 7826
  8. 43 CFR Relinquishment
  9. WDL-Non-Suitable Determinations Process
  10. Withdrawal Revocation
  11. Agency Real Property Determination Notification
  12. Conveyed
  13. GSA Letter of Excess
  14. PLO 6527 5444
  15. PLO 6590 6681 Alaska

IA, MOU, and Withdrawal Review

  1. IAA and MOU Review
  2. Review Sample

LSR Surveys and the LLD Tool

  1. GM Dress NTC Withdrawal Course
  2. Cadastral Workshop Legal Description Tool

Military Roles and Responsibilities

  1. DOI Military Withdrawal Process Presentation-Training
  2. Military Land Withdrawals
  3. Military Withdrawal Spreadsheet Expiration Dates
  4. Roadmap
  5. 43 CFR PART 2300
  6. P.L. 106-65 (Military Withdrawals 1999)
  7. PL 113-66 Title XXIX
  8. The Engle Act of 1958
  9. IM Military Use Change 1
  10. IM Military Use
  11. AF NTTR Expansion Application
  12. AF NTTR Extension Application
  13. Fallon Expansion Application
  14. Fallon Extension Application
  15. FRN Fallon DOI Proposed Withdrawal 2016
  16. FRN Fallon DON NOI EIS 2016
  17. FRN NTTR DOI Proposed Withdrawal 2016
  18. FRN NTTR AF NOI EIS 2016
  19. AF - NTTR IAA (MOU)
  21. Fallon - BLM MIPR
  22. Fallon - BLM SOW Letter
  23. Fallon BLM COOP Agency Letter
  24. Fallon DOE Consent Letter
  25. Fallon DON BLM MOA
  26. Fallon DON Coop Agency Invite
  27. Engle Act Military Withdrawal Procedures (1997)

Student Exercises

  1. Exercise 1 Map 
  2. Withdrawal Exercise #1 Policy
  3. Withdrawal Exercise #2 MTP Revised
  4. Withdrawal Exercise #3 Extensions
  5. Withdrawal Exercise #4 Segregative Effects

 If you have questions about this website, please contact Susie Manezes, Lands and Realty, NTC Training Coordinator at 602.906.5590.
