Intermediate Land Exchange (2000-17) SLC

Intermediate Land Exchange includes discussion on: BLM and FS authorities, regulation and policy, preparation of feasibility report and draft Agreement to Initiate (ATI), processing costs, Notice of Exchange Proposal (NOEP), valuation, requirements of National Land Adjustment Team (USFS) and National Review (BLM), NEPA requirements, BLM and FS documentation, decision documents, binding exchange agreements, closing/escrow, post closing and DOJ Title Standards (2016).

 Class Information

  1. Agenda
  2. Downtown Map SLC
  3. Restaurants and Attractions

 General FS Documents

  1. Lands Terminology Desk Guide
  2. Questions on Land Exchanges
  3. The Guide to Land Exchanges

Lesson 1- Why we do Exchanges

  1. BLM Land Exchange Process Flowchart
  2. FS Land Exchange Process Flowchart
  3. H-2200-1 Illus1-1 Land Exchange Processing Steps
  4. IM 2010-124 Land Exchange Training Req
  5. Land Exchange Processing Steps Checklist
  6. Land Transaction-Exchange Steps
  7. Lesson 1 - Why We Do Exchanges
  8. LEX Flowchart and Implementation Schedule

Lesson 2 - Authorities-Regs-Policy

  1. Landownership Adjustment Authorities
  2. Lesson 2 - Authorities-Regs-Policy
  3. PL 91-646


BLM Handbooks Manuals Guidance

  1. BLM Exchange IMs & IBs - 05-25-2017
  2. H-2200-1 Land Exchange Handbook-with Ch8


  1. 16 U.S. Code 555a
  2. 16 U.S. Code 1643
  3. CFR 2012 Title 36 Volume 2 Part 254

FS Handbooks Manuals

  1. 5430
  2. FSH 5409.13 30-36
  3. FSH 5409.13 37-39
  4. FSM 5430
  5. Handbook Exhibits
  6. WO 5410 Amend 2017-1

FS Laws

  1. Bankhead Jones
  2. Education  Land Grant Act PL 106-577
  3. Federal Land Exchange Facilitation Act 1988
  4. Federal Airport Act
  5. FLPMA
  6. Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Research 1978
  7. FS  Facility Realignment and Enhancement Act Brief_hilited
  8. General Exchange Act of March 20, 1922
  9. Interchange Act with DOD
  10. Land Exchanges Public Laws 1990 to 2012 Final Draft
  11. Landownership Adjustment Authorities
  12. Organic Administration Act of 1897
  13. Sisk Act 16 U.S. Code 484a
  14. Weeks Act Purchases 1913
  15. Wild Scenic Rivers Act

Lesson 3 - Types of Exchanges

  1. IM 2012-034 Matrix Tool for Land Exchanges
  2. Lesson 3 - Types of Land Exchange Transactions
  3. Tripartite Land Exchange
  4. Fatal Flaw Exercise

Lesson 4 - Case File and Segregation

  1. Case File Maintenance Summary
  2. Segregation Summary 
  3. Case file maintenance Memorandum
  4. Case File Maintenance 166 IBLA 111
  5. Forest Service Procedure for Requesting Segregation
  6. Carver IBLA Excerpts-Segregation
  7. Editorial Tips
  8. Form 12732 Prop Conf
  9. IM2010-121 Review of Land Exchange Proposals Rec Mgmt
  10. Lesson 4 - Case Files  Segregation
  11. R6 USFS Title Docket 5430 Exchanges

BLM Data Standards

  1. IM 2011-190 Lands & Realty Program Data Standards
  2. Realty Data Standards 2014
  3. Realty Data Standards 2014 LF Land Exchanges ONLY

BLM Manuals

  1. BLM Policy Manual 1274
  2. BLM Policy Manual 1275
  3. Combined Records Schedule 04
  4. H-1270-4 - Records Disposition (Internal)

BLM Legal Descriptions

  1. 600 DM 5 - 11-21-14 Signed
  2. 600 DM 5 - Standards for Federal Lands Boundary Evidence
  3. IB 2015-067 Specifications For Descriptions Of Land
  4. Specifications Descriptions Lands 2015 Final

Notation Requests

  1. Notice of Decision IM OR-2005-081
  2. Notice of Decision Land Status Request Sheet

Lesson 5 - Feasibility Report (Analysis)

  1. BLM Feasibility Analysis Outline-Summary Outline
  2. BLM Feasibility Review Checklist
  3. BLM L000122 Buffalo Horn Feasibility Analysis
  4. BLM L000122 Buffalo Horn Feasibility Summary
  5. DTS-Create New Record Land Exchange Decision and Feasibility Congressional Notification Letters
  6. Gardner Feasibility Analysis
  7. Gardner Land Exchange- Regional Office Review- December 2012
  8. Iowa Hill FA RLAT Initial Review 121613
  9. Iowa Hill FA Signed
  10. Lesson 5 - Prep of a Feasibility Rpt PP - (removed message Susie Manezes for help)
  11. McGreer Exchange
  12. Morley Cooper Mtn CO Feasibility Analysis - (removed message Susie Manezes for help)
  13. Prep Of Feasibility Report Summary-LF
  14. Signed Buffalo Horn Land Exchange DTS 122
  15. Tribal Letter
  16. USFS Feasibility Analysis Report Checklist
  17. USFS Feasibility Analysis Report Content
  18. WO IM 2007-181
  19. WO IM 2007-181 Attach Solicitor Memo
  20. Feasibility Report Exercise
  21. LEX Feasibility Analysis Exercise Map
  22. Feasibility Exercise Solution
  23. LEX Feasibility Exhibit Solution

Lesson 6 - Agreement to Initiate a Land Exchange

  1. ATI for Fund Collection Exchange C and D
  2. BLM L000052 Draft ATI Miller Mountain Exchange
  3. BLM L000100 Agreement to Initiate
  4. EXHIBIT E - Assembled Land Exchange
  5. Guidelines for ATI Cost Alloc and Special Cond
  6. IDI-37603 ATI Dewey Levie Exchange
  7. Illus3-1 Example Land Exchange Processing Workload and Cost Estimate
  8. Lesson 6 - Agreement to Initiate a Land Exchange
  9. Morley Cooper Mtn CO ATI 051805
  10. Morley Cooper Mtn CO ATI Amended
  11. PVR-UT-ATI-121207
  12. Santa Teresa NM ATI 021208

Lesson 7 - NOEP

  1. Notice Of Exchange Proposal FSH Examples
  2. NOEP Crandall Canyon
  3. Scoping Letter Sample (2)
  4. BLM L000100 Notice of Exchange Proposal
  5. Emerald Mtn NOEP R
  6. Iowa Hill Draft NOEP
  7. Iowa Hill NOEP Published 022015
  8. Lesson 7 - Notice of Exchange Proposal
  9. LS Emerald Mtn Final NOI 10-20-04
  10. Morley Cooper Mtn CO NOEP
  11. PVR UT NOEP 121207
  12. Exercise - Land Exchange Mailing list

Lesson 8 - Land Title

  1. BLM FTO Sample
  2. BLM PTO Sample
  3. Commitment Request Letter Template ROW Acquisition
  4. Common Encumbrances
  5. DOJ 2016 Forms
  6. DOJ Title Standards 2016
  7. FS FTO Review(exchange)
  8. FS PTO Review (exchange)
  9. General Warranty Deed Example
  10. Lesson 8 - Land Title
  11. Schedule B  Standard General Exceptions
  12. Title Clearance Outline
  13. Title Opinion Checklist

Patent Requests

  1. Patent Request Checklist
  2. Patent Request Outline
  3. Patent Request Sample

Lesson 9 - NLAT & National Review Congressional Notification

  1. Changes to Congressional Oversite for LEXs 8-2-11
  2. NLAT Oversight (8-8-14)
  3. Appropriation Review
  4. BLM0009511 Owyhee Land Exchange Congressional Notification Letters
  5. BLM L000030 Sutey Ranch Land Exchange Information Memorandum for the Director
  6. BLM L000061 Information Memorandum
  7. BLM L000098 Rowlett Briefing Paper For Director Final 02-26-2016
  8. BLM L000100 Dewey-Levie Decision Approval Memo-SIGNED
  9. BLM L000100 Decision Summary
  10. BLM L000100 Info Memo to Director
  11. Final Signed Letters with Attachments
  12. GAO Audit
  13. Map A Non Fed Lands 5June2015
  14. Map B Federal Lands 5June2015
  15. McGreer Exchange WO Approval Memo
  16. McGreer SD Signed Transmittal to WO350
  17. NLAT-BLM WO Oversight and Concurrence
  18. R9 Delegation of Authorities 051517
  19. Session Summary Concurrence on Decision
  20. Session Summary Concurrence On Feasibility
  21. Shooting Star Legislative Map
  22. Weeks Act

Lesson 10 - NEPA

  1. Scoping and NEPA Analysis
  2. BLM EA
  3. LEX CEs
  4. NEPA Analysis
  5. NEPA Summary
  6. NEPA Summary
  7. NEPA Guidance Land Ex
  9. Wetlands and Floodplains


  1. BLM CIP 2000-5 2000-6
  2. BLM CIP 2000-5 2000-6
  3. Cert. of Possession Red Lodge LEX
  4. Certificate of Inspection and Possession
  5. CIP Checklist


  1. 602 DM 2 TRS and Chapter
  2. H-2000-01 Pre-Acquisition Handbook
  3. H-2000-02 Environmental Site Assessment for Disposals
  4. AAI Guidance Forms September 2009
  5. E1527-13
  6. FS AAI Worksheet 1 fillable
  7. FS AAI Worksheet 2 fillable
  8. FS AAI Worksheet 3 fillable
  9. FS 2006 direction
  10. IB2015-029 Identification BLM Environmental Professionals

Lesson 11- BLM Easement Policy

  1. ILE - BLM Easement Policy
  2. Final BLM Easement Policy 062807
  3. Sample Easement Decision Document

Lesson 12- Appraisal

  1. Appraisal for Exchange Session Summary
  2. Appraisal Staff
  3. Collection of References to Legal Instruction UASFLA 6th Ed
  4. FS Request for Valuation Services Template
  5. ILT PowerPoint FS Contacts
  6. ILT PowerPoint Ward
  7. IVIS Request Worksheet
  8. PLD OVS Personnel for BLM
  9. Private Party Issuance
  10. Real Estate Appraisal Letter of Engagement Private Party
  11. SOW Template IVIS OVS
  12. Uniform Appraisal Standards 6th-TheYellowBook

Lesson 13 - Value Imbalance and Cash Equalization

  1. Value Imbalances and Equalization Session Summary
  2. Value Imbalance and Equalization
  3. WO IM 2010-122
  4. WO IM 2010-122-Attachment1
  5. WO IM 2010-122-Attachment2
  6. WO IM 2010-122-Attachment3
  7. WO IM 2010-122-Attachment4
  8. WO IM 2010-122-Attachment5

Lesson 14 - Decision Documents

  1. Sutey Ranch Land Exchange Memo from COSD Requesting Approval of Decision Package
  2. BLM L000030  Sutey Ranch Land Exchange Signed Approval Memo with attached Decision Review Statement
  3. Emerald Mtn Decision Record Final Rev
  4. Findings Exchange NEPA
  5. Morley Cooper Mtn CO Decision Record
  7. Session Summary Concurrence on Decision
  8. Signed Decision Black Tail Creek

Lesson 15- Notice of Decision

  1. 3Peaks UT NOD 011508
  2. BLM L000100 Draft NOD
  3. Decision Documents NOD
  4. Emerald Mtn Notice of Availability of Decision Final
  5. Morley Cooper Mtn-CO-NOD
  6. RLM LEX Notice of Opportunity to Object 29Nov2016
  7. Exercise - Decision Record for Blueberry Canyon LEX
  8. Exercise Solution - DR Blueberry Canyon

Lesson 16 - Binding Exchange Agreement

  1. Exchange Agreements
  2. Final Aug112004
  3. Fully Executed corrected Exchange Agreement Wilson LEX 30Oct2015
  4. Simplot - ID - Binding Exchange Agreement
  5. Final Exercise Land Exchanges

Lesson 17- Closing and Escrow

  1. Notice of Decision IM OR-2005-081
  2. Notice of Decision Land Status Request Sheet
  3. Closing Escrow
  4. BLM Patent Order Letter
  5. General Warranty Deed Example

  If you have questions about this website, please contact Susie Manezes, Lands and Realty, NTC Training Coordinator at 602.906.5590.
